Eid prayer at Trent Bridge

This past Eid, we had the honour of organising a truly historic event at the iconic Trent Bridge Cricket Ground in Nottingham, in collaboration with the local organisation Muallif. It was a day filled with spiritual unity, community bonding, and the joy of celebrating Eid in a way that brought together diverse groups from across the city. What made this event particularly special was not just the grandeur of the location, but the deep sense of purpose behind it—ensuring that no one, especially Muslim reverts, felt alone on this significant day.

Recognising this, we wanted to create an Eid event that was inclusive and welcoming, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or how long they’ve been Muslim, could feel the warmth and togetherness that Eid is meant to bring. Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, with its rich history and significance in Nottingham, provided the perfect backdrop for this gathering. It wasn’t just a place to perform the Eid prayer—it became a symbol of unity and community.

For many reverts, this was the first time they had experienced such a large, inclusive gathering, where they felt fully embraced by their community. After the prayer, we shared a breakfast together, where everyone, from lifelong Muslims to new reverts, had the chance to connect, share stories, and build relationships.

The significance of holding such an event at a location like Trent Bridge cannot be overstated. This is a place known for its role in bringing people together for the love of sport, and now, it has also become a place that holds a special meaning for the Muslim community in Nottingham. By choosing such a well-known and respected venue, we not only created a space where people could come together to celebrate Eid but also made a statement about the importance of inclusivity and unity within our community.

The success of this event has inspired us to make it an annual tradition, insha’Allah. We hope that each year, more and more people will join us, turning this gathering into a cornerstone of Eid celebrations in Nottingham. Our goal is to ensure that no one in our community ever feels alone on Eid again. We want to continue to provide a space where reverts and all Muslims can come together, feel supported, and experience the true spirit of Eid.

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