Other Appeals

Join our Sadaqah initiatives through Love Mercy Hope to make a lasting impact:

Qu’ran Distribution

Join us in spreading the light of knowledge and faith by donating to our Quran distribution project. Your generous contributions will help us provide Qurans to those who yearn to read and understand this holy text but lack the means to acquire one. 

By supporting this initiative, you are not only sharing the words of wisdom and peace found in the Quran but also fostering a deeper connection and understanding among individuals and communities. 

Plus, for every letter they recite and learn, it will also be a Sadaqah Jariyah on your scales.

Provide shelter for women and orphans in Uganda

In a region where many face hardships and instability, your support can offer them a sanctuary where they can rebuild their lives with dignity and hope. 

Your generous donation of £1500 can make a world of difference in the lives of a widow and an orphan in Uganda, providing them with a safe and secure home. 

This shelter will not only protect them from the harsh elements but also serve as a foundation for a brighter future, free from the fears and uncertainties of homelessness. 

Donate sewing machines to empower individuals with a sustainable income

A sewing machine not only provides the means to create clothing and other goods for sale but also fosters skills that can be passed down through generations, building a brighter and more secure future.

For just £100, you can empower a widow or an orphan in Uganda by providing them with a sewing machine, a tool that offers the promise of self-sufficiency and hope.

Provide goats for families to produce milk, cheese, and yogurt

By giving a goat, you are offering a gift that keeps on giving, fostering self-reliance and resilience in vulnerable communities. 

For just £30, you can make a significant impact by providing a family in need with a goat. This small investment offers a sustainable source of nourishment and income through the production of milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Supply cool drinks in Pakistan’s scorching heat

Your small donation can help hydrate and refresh individuals, preventing heat-related illnesses and offering a moment of respite from the relentless sun. 

For just £15, you can bring immense relief and comfort to those enduring Pakistan’s scorching heat by supplying them with cool, refreshing drinks. In the blistering temperatures, access to cool beverages is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining health and well-being. 

Clothing for men, women, and children

For just £15, you can provide essential clothing for men, women, and children in need, offering them warmth, dignity, and comfort. Your donation can supply garments that protect against the elements, improve self-esteem, and bring a sense of normalcy to their lives. 

This small contribution can make a significant difference, ensuring that families have the basic necessity of clothing to face their daily challenges with dignity.

Together, we can bring hope, dignity, and essential support to those in need.